Monday, March 1, 2010

"Machiavelli and the Mullahs"

Rusin is trying to get the point across that if the leaders of the nations would read Niccolo Machiavelli's The Prince, the world would be a better place. If Bush would have followed his advice, he would understand that "some conflicts are inevitable." He needed to tackle the problems we started having with the Middle Eastern countries instead of ignoring them and hoping they would get better on their own. We need to instill fear in those Islamic nations because having "security in being feared" is more important than being loved. We went back on our word from threatening Iran with our power and saying we were going to do something. Taking action against them will instill the fear we need from them. As was said in the book about only trusting those troops of your own nation to have the motivation, Bush used local Afghan fighters to fight against Al Qaeda. We can only trust ourselves to take care of the things we need to get done. We should have been preparing during peaceful time so that we could have eliminated the danger we are in and problems we are having now.